Daily Fix – Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am

Hi Everyone!


I have another original workout for you today. This one is a time challenge, made up of 2 parts.

The first part is a Jump Squat/Mountain Climber combo: 10 jump squats, followed by 10 mountain climber peaks (right and left equals 1 rep) — You will repeat this combo 10 times, as fast as possible. By now, your legs should be on fire – mine were!

The second part is composed of 3 exercises: Super Girl Pushups, Sumo Squats, and Plank Jack combo: You will be doing 10 super girl push ups, 30 sumo squats, and 30 plank jack combos — You will be repeating this set of 3 exercises for 3 sets, as fast as you can.

This workout was fun, and it really challenged me – especially the Super Girl Push Ups! I really felt the whole thing in my shoulders and butt/thighs. My personal best is 33:58 to complete this workout, and I am looking forward to trying it again and again to see if I can beat my time!

I have demonstrated each of these movements in the video. This full body workout will really challenge your balance, really focusing on core strength throughout. You may modify the exercises if you aren’t quite strong enough to complete them. For the pushups, try doing them from your knees at first – for the plank jack combo, try doing these from your elbows instead of your palms. If you cannot do jump squats, just do a regular squat without the jump.

***When doing squats, make sure your butt reaches backward, thighs come parallel to the ground, back stays straight, and your knees do not come over your toes. Make sure to keep your core pulled in tight, and keep a straight body line with your hands planted directly under your shoulders for the push ups and plank combo. As always, don’t forget to warm up, stretch, and cool down.

Have fun, and let me know how you liked this workout – there will be more to come!




Part 1:

  • Squat Jump (10) / Mountain Climber (10) Combo – 10 sets as fast as possible

Part 2: 3 Rounds For Time

  • Super Hero Push Up – 10 reps
  • Sumo Squats – 30 reps
  • Plank Jack W/Leg Lift & Knee Curl – 30 reps

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